{ "p":".bitter", "username":"poker.bitter", "op":"post", "content":"Finally the Main Event is upon us!!! Poker.bitter presents: BTC MACHINES 777 POKER CLUB Tournament of Champions 2023!!! July 30th 11:00 am EST NL Holdem Open to Public Sponsored by: Btc Machine and Mr_Lucky_777 who has generously supplied a Mutant Machine for 1st place and a Mutant Virus for 2nd place!!! These other fine sponsors will also supply fabulous Ordinal prizes!!! @btcordinal @Ordinal_Rabbits @ChainRacingClub @Unordinals @swagpepes @taprootcowsfam @ordsingularity @NewBitcoinOrder @OrdinalBitcorns @SkullxNFT @BitcoinBees @BitcoinBearsOrd @OrdinalDiamonds @OrdinalFomojis @ordinalcamels @JB742Ordinals @GregoryScottEly @Mr_Lucky777_ Min 20 places paid! Free to Play and Open to All https://play.clubgg.net/dlink/EbsnfXUUg6HDDtNx5 ", }