Inscription 64534694
- parents
- id
- 0cf687f218d05b3c533cb52b695b630c2b45166b01f66dfbf6c0709140d6a39bi3
- charms
- metadata
- collection
- Parrots Reincarnate
- title
- 2D3D Polly - Normal Parrot
- description
- EoMGames rendition of inscription 9991. From the original Stacks Parrots 2D collection!
- metaprotocol
- value
- 1
- sat
- 1735571479748790
- sat name
- bocccvnpmkh
- preview
- link
- content
- link
- content length
- 5080 bytes
- content type
- model/gltf+json
- timestamp
- height
- 834853
- fee
- 24609
- reveal transaction
- 0cf687f218d05b3c533cb52b695b630c2b45166b01f66dfbf6c0709140d6a39b
- location
- 42bc89405fcc2974252973cb48e84e4133ff7f28a8dfaf5d55b09a53f9c6eb6d:0:0
- output
- 42bc89405fcc2974252973cb48e84e4133ff7f28a8dfaf5d55b09a53f9c6eb6d:0
- offset
- 0
- details
- ethereum teleburn address
- 0x0bFCd2f710CB54B38466b6ef97B7e265aD04691f